Bluetooth-Connected Vehicle: A Case Study of Android-Based Speed Monitoring System Using CAN Bus

  • Hasbi Nur Prasetyo Wisudawan Teknik Elektro Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Ichiro Rizky Abdul Aziz Teknik Elektro Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Daffis Hesa Pratama
  • Wahyudi Budi Pramono
Keywords: Speedometer, Odometer, CAN Bus, Bluetooth, Android Application


The speedometer plays an important role in displaying and measuring the vehicle's speed. A vehicle driver will always monitor and maintain the vehicle's speed according to the conditions of the road or terrain being traversed, thus enhancing the safety of the rider. The odometer is also important in measuring and recording the distance travelled. This research proposes a Bluetooth-based speedometer and odometer system integrated with a smartphone for electric motorcycles using the Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus communication system, allowing real-time speed and distance monitoring through an Android application. This system is evaluated based on the accuracy of the measured speed and distance. The results show that the proposed device can transmit data collected from the CAN bus via Bluetooth to the high-resolution Liquid Cristal Display (LCD)  and SPEETER (the proposed name of the Android-based application) with 99.31% accuracy. The system had the data history to provide a statistical analysis for users and stakeholders. The advantages of this system include a user-friendly interface and good integration with mobile devices, making it an ideal solution for environmentally friendly transportation of electric vehicles.


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How to Cite
Wisudawan, H. N. P., Abdul Aziz, I. R., Pratama, D. H., & Pramono, W. B. (2024). Bluetooth-Connected Vehicle: A Case Study of Android-Based Speed Monitoring System Using CAN Bus. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 4(1), 85-94. Retrieved from